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Πολιτική Επιστροφών

Πολιτική Επιστροφών

Product returns

As all of our products come personalized with the student’s name we do not accept product returns.

If you have requested no labelling or wrapping (of books), returns will only be accepted if the returned products are in the same condition in which they were received, ie without being unsealed or tampered with, with all their accessories, the accompanying forms and their packaging in excellent condition. Returned products must be sent back together with the retail receipt or invoice. To avoid any future inconvenience, it is best to carefully check your package  and the condition of the purchased products, in order to identify any obvious defects.

Customers are obliged to notify the company in case of aesthetic defects in their packaging at the time of delivery and refuse to receive them from the delivery man or courier. In case of receipt of products by the customer with obvious defects in the packaging, no return can take place of any products. Our company is not responsible in case the customer receives the product in excellent condition and afterwards the product is damaged.

Customers are asked to notify School Pack in writing (by email) to [email protected],  their desire to return any non-personalized products purchased from the online store stating date, purchase document number and desire to return within the day and will receive written return approval from School Pack including shipping costs (if applicable).

School Pack Customers have the right to return the products purchased and request their replacement in all cases in which products have been delivered through proven fault of School Pack, substantially different from those ordered, in all cases where there is a defect in the product or its agreed quality is missing and provided that it is not provided otherwise than the product warranty.

School Pack customers have the right to return the products they bought at the expense of the company in all cases where the order is executed incorrectly, ie in case of delivery of an item other than what was ordered by type or quantity or in full or for the most part or if the item is found to be defective. In this case, the customer must either not accept the receipt of the product from the beginning, or request its return.

In case the products are not returned, at the time agreed after consultation with the company then, School Pack is entitled to not accept the return and therefore to refuse the replacement. In all cases the return of the product to be replaced must be done together with all the documents that accompanied the product and its complete packaging.

In case of return of the products and depending on the way in which the customer chose to pay for his order and on the other hand in the way in which their return will take place, the refund will be completed within 30 days from the date that School Pack will receive the returned products. In this case and provided that the products have been previously received and checked by School Pack, the refund to the customer will be made, in case of payment by credit or debit card, with cancellation of the debit of the card, which will be done with the care of the company and, in case of payment by bank transfer, will be done with the return of the money to the customer through return bank transfer.

In case the products are returned damaged or incomplete School Pack has the right to claim compensation from the customer, the amount of which will be determined by the condition of the products and to proceed unilaterally in full or in part of its claim against the customer. All products available from School Pack have all the necessary certification of safe operation. Where appropriate, the products are accompanied by written instructions for use.

Order cancellation

The order can be cancelled in the following cases:

Before the order is completed, during the electronic ordering process you can press the “back” button on your browser and remove the quantities of products from your cart by clicking on the “remove” button.

If the electronic ordering process has been completed & the product(s) has not been personalized or shipped yet you can call 211 267 0117 and one of our partners will undertake the cancellation of your order.

After delivery of your order, for one of the accepted reasons listed above and within 14 calendar days of delivery, customers can call us or contact us via the email form on the website, to inform us that you wish to cancel the order. One of our partners will serve you immediately and will inform you about all your options.

In case your order has already been invoiced and you wish to cancel it, then contact us and provide the details of your order and we will inform you of the status of your order and if it is possible.

The customer will have the right to withdraw unjustifiably and return any non-personalized product, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Consumer Protection. The product must be in excellent condition, not used, the packaging must be intact (closed) and include the original contents. In this case, the return costs will be borne by the customer.

It is noted that for any product return it is necessary to fill in the relevant form that you can request from the sales department or find the model below:


Dear customer,

In case you wish to return the non-personalized product you have purchased, you have the option to deliver it to us or send it, in its original condition and packaging, within 14 calendar days of delivery. Sending the withdrawal statement or sending the products within 14 calendar days will be considered sufficient for the timely exercise of the right.

The written withdrawal statement is sent to the following details by registered letter to the Address: Lofou 9, Nea Erithrea, Attiki 14671

or by e-mail to the e-mail address: [email protected]

Or you can contact School Pack by phone at the contact line.

Products are returned within 14 calendar days of delivery at the customer’s expense (or by carrier of the customer’s choice). Once we receive the statement and after receiving the products, we will check them and, without undue or unreasonable delay, we will refund the total sale price (deducting any return or impairment costs) and always within 14 days from their return, in the same way you paid the money, unless otherwise agreed.

Please keep the receipt of the declaration of the goods.

Product returned by carrier of the customer’s choice is returned at the customer’s risk. The customer is charged with the return costs and with any impairment of the value of the product for the determination of which School Pack is explicitly reserved until the receipt of the returned goods. If the product is received and checked for any impairment of its value, any monetary liability to the customer in the manner in which this payment was made by the customer will be refunded, unless otherwise agreed with him. The refund obligation will be fulfilled without undue delay and within 14 calendar days from the return of the product.

The right of withdrawal from article 4 § 10 of law 2251/1994 does not apply:

– In cases where the products have been used.

– In cases where the delivered products have been manufactured according to the specifications set by the customer or according to his personal requirements and personalization or which by their nature are impossible to return by shipment.

– In cases where the delivered products are not suitable for return as soon as they are unsealed for health reasons or for hygiene reasons (eg masks)

– In cases of supply of digital content not provided on a physical medium, if the execution started with the prior explicit consent of the consumer and the confirmation by him that he loses the right of withdrawal.

– In the case of the provision of services, after the full provision of the service, as the consumer has already acknowledged at the time of the order that he loses the right of withdrawal if the contract expires in full.

Yours sincerely,

School Pack


Dear  School Pack,

I inform you that I withdraw from the contract remotely with:

order number:


I received the products of the above order on:

Sender Name:

Last name:


Postal code:



Final provisions:

  1. The general terms and conditions are governed by Greek law. For any dispute that arises and which arises from the contractual relationship between School Pack ( and the customer, in substance and by place The Greek Courts are responsible for resolving it.
  2. For the out-of-court settlement of the dispute you can address the competent bodies for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes, e.g. at the General Secretariat for Consumer Affairs of the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness (Kanigos Square, 10181, Athens,, tel .: 1520, fax: 2103843549), to the Consumer Ombudsman (, 144 Alexandras Ave. 114 71, Athens, tel .: 2106460734, fax: 2106460414.), To the Committees for Amicable Settlement of consumer disputes (article 11 of law 2251/1994) located in the local Municipalities of the country.
  3. The European Commission’s Electronic Dispute Resolution Platform (Online Dispute Resolution – ODR), which allows consumers and traders to resolve their disputes electronically for domestic and cross-border transactions. The Electronic Dispute Resolution platform is directly connected with the competent Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) bodies, which undertake the processing of complaints, in order to make the settlement simpler. In our country, the competent bodies are the Consumer Advocate and the Consumer Services.

